Sterile eggs

Oeuf de truite

On special order, VIVIERS de SARRANCE can provide sterile Rainbow trout or Brown trout eggs.

These eggs are perfect for the production of “big trout” (1 kg and more): as fish born from these eggs are sterile, they are not disturbed by sexual maturation occurring during the reproduction season.

We achieve sterility by applying pressure shocks on eggs immediately after fertilisation. A very accurate and strictly controlled sterilisation procedure allows us to guarantee more than 97% sterile eggs.

We produce Rainbow trout eggs (Oncorhynchus mykiss) throughout the year, continuously from January to December. We also produce Brown trout eggs (Salmo trutta fario) in February and March.

Size of the eggs :

The “VIVIERS” eggs are naturally small due to a low spawning temperature (8°C). This ensures our eggs are produced in a cold, pure and healthy environment.
Depending on the season, our eggs vary in size from 9,500 eggs/litre (85 mg/egg) to 13,500 eggs/litre (60 mg/egg). For each batch, the size of the eggs is homogeneous.

Survival rate:

The standard survival rate* is 90% minimum when hatching and 80% minimum when weighing 1 gr.
* Under optimal rearing conditions in the receiving farm.

Growth performance (Rainbow Trout) :

The “VIVIERS” eggs performance has been tested at different temperatures. An average weight of 4 kg is reached after a rearing period of 20 months at a temperature of 12-14°C, and after a rearing period of 23 months at a temperature of 8.5°C.